Types Of Dishes You Can Expect From A Tingkat Delivery Service

Dishes to Expect From A Tingkat Delivery Service in Singapore

Everybody loves warm and healthy home-cooked meals. However, cooking your own meals at home these days has become a luxury you often cannot afford due to busy work schedule and time constraints.

The next available alternative is to buy food from outside, but this could cause problems in the long run due to health and safety and monetary concerns.

This is where Tingkat meals come in. The demand for Tingkat meals among Singaporeans is on the rise, mainly because Tingkat meals revolve around the idea of convenient, healthy and affordable, home-cooked meals.

But what kind of meals can you expect? What are the kinds of ingredients they have that makes it better than other meals? Let's look at how Tingkat meals delivery service can make your life easier and, not to mention, way healthier for you and your loved ones.

3 Benefits of Tingkat delivery service in Singapore

Tingkat delivery service in Singapore offers you the opportunity to savour healthy and affordable meals, while making you feel at home. You can be a working professional struggling to prepare healthy meals for your ageing parents and children. Or, you could be a work-from-home adult trying to find the time to shop for groceries and cook healthy food at home.

Regardless, be assured that Tingkat meals will resolve your worries about finding food that is friendly to your health and your pockets.


Home-cooked Concept

One of the first images that probably crosses your mind when you hear the word 'home-cooked food' is flavourful foods that are free of harmful preservatives and MSGs. This is exactly what you can expect from Tingkat meals, especially from Savoury Catering.

Food at Savoury Catering is prepared from the heart and is free of preservatives and MSG. Though your meals are cooked with less salt and hundred percent vegetable oil, the dishes are still delicious and fulfilling as they're cooked using fresh local produce.

This makes our Tingkat meals a healthier option for older people, working professionals, and children.

Cost-efficient, Saves Time and Reduces Food Waste

Think about how much time it takes to prepare one meal โ€“ from planning the meals to grocery shopping, cleaning, washing, cutting, cooking, and then cleaning again!

Plus, when you cook at ho me, there arehigh chances you overestimate the portions, such as preparing food for five people when only three of you are eating. When this goes to waste, you also lose extra ingredients (that you've purchased) in it. If you're too busy to cook, the fresh vegetables you've stocked in your fridge but didn't get a chance to cook due to time constraints may get rotten by the time you get to it.

Tingkat delivery service saves you from the hassle of cooking and minimises wastage to a great extent. You can order freshly cooked Tingkat meals from Savoury Catering to be delivered when needed, and you can divide the portions among family members or colleagues!


One of the best parts about Tingkat delivery services is that freshly-cooked meals will be delivered right to your doorstep, home or office. Plus, you don't have to crack your heads to plan your meals or worry about choosing the suitable dishes for a balanced diet. All you have to do is go to our website, browse our Tingkat plans and place your order โ€“ our flavourful menus are thoughtfully curated for well-balanced diets!

3 Healthy Dishes You Can Expect From A Tingkat Service

We can tell you all about how healthy the dishes at Tingkat services are, but you will still need to know what you could be getting. If you're new to this concept or curious about the type of food you can expect from Tingkat delivery services, here are some example dishes that you can look out for:

Steam Fish with Broccoli

With Tingkat meals, you can expect dishes to be cooked in the healthiest way possible, which is why you can look forward to meals such as the steam fish with broccoli. This dish can keep you full longer without adding any high-fat content.

Instead of fried fish, Tingkat meals offer steamed fish as this method of cooking helps retain most of the fish's minerals and vitamins. Not to mention, steamed fish is a low-calorie protein, and packed with omega-3 fatty acids that can drastically improve cardiovascular health.

Broccolis, on the other hand, are high in protein compared to other vegetables and various nutrients like fibre, Vitamin C, K, potassium, and iron. Research shows that steaming broccoli is the best way to cook it, as it provides the most health benefits - which is why Tingkat meals always opt for the healthier option!

All in all, this dish is an excellent choice for those trying to lose weight. It has a generous source of omega-3 fatty acids, provides satiety, and helps you to cut down on food cravings and to indulge in unhealthy food, making it the perfect choice for health enthusiasts, children, and the elderly.

Lady's Finger


Tingkat meals are often prepared with fresh and highly nutritious vegetables like the lady's fingers.

This vibrant vegetable helps to manage anaemia as it is rich in vitamin K, iron, and folate. It can help increase your body's red blood cell count and prevent blood clotting. Lady's fingers are also low in calories, and they help pregnant women to meet their standard folate requirements. Folate is vital to prevent neural tube defects.

Plus, the lady's finger retains its crunchy texture when its stir fried with red chilli and a little bit of soy sauce, at the right temperature, something you can expect from a Tingkat service. This can be a fun meal for your children.

If you want to promote healthy blood flow and proper transportation of oxygen in your body while maintaining your weight, you should consider adding this dish to your next order. Tingkat meals are always mindful about serving you and your loved one with the healthiest choices of food.

Loh Han Vegetables

If you're a person who enjoys traditional food or looking for ways to introduce healthy traditional food to your kids, Tingkat meals have options for you too.

The Loh Han Vegetables dish is a popular, ancient Chinese dish. In the old days, it was mainly preferred by Buddhist monks who observed vegetarianism. Now, this dish is enjoyed by people worldwide, and can be found on Savoury Catering's Tingkat meals plans.

If you're not familiar with this dish, the Loh Han Vegetables is a dish of various vegetables cooked together in soy sauce. You can commonly find vegetables like shiitake mushrooms, cabbage, carrots, dry lily buds, and bean curd sheets and sticks in a Loh Han Vegetables dish.

This dish is delicious and highly nutritious โ€“ perfect for vegetarians, children, and older people.>/p>

Are you looking for a healthy and finger-licking good Tingkat meal in Singapore? Visit Savoury Catering today!

Getting fresh and healthy home-cooked meals is no longer a hassle with Savoury Catering! Affordable, convenient, and reliable, our nutrition-packed gourmet delivery service is perfect for busy families and working professionals on the go.

From operating solely in Tiong Bahru in 2014 to serving more than 150 delighted customers in over 150 locations in Singapore daily, our hard work, dedication, and drive to constantly improve our meals have led us to where we are today.

Savoury Catering delivers delicious, home-cooked healthy Tingkat meals right to your doorstep. To know more about our services, call us at 6261 7266 or visit our website today to check out our Tingkat plans!

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